
Thursday, March 14, 2024

Be Kind


Life is a difficult thing sometimes. You lose that job you really wanted. Your spouse isn't meeting your needs. Your parent is facing a terminal disease. You are at your wit's end. And at that moment you need kindness. We are all dealing with different challenges in our lives and sometimes it's more than one. You just need someone to listen to you or offer encouraging words. You need kindness. 

One of the easiest things for you to do for others is to be kind. It costs nothing. It takes minimal effort. If you can't be kind, just be supportive and listen. Sometimes a kind word can do so much for a person having a bad day. You always have the opportunity to make someone's day better. Don't add to someone's stress. Don't be an ass for the sake of being an ass. It's easy in this day and age to be a cynic and be discouraged. But if we all took a moment to help others by being kind, listening, or just giving a hug if a person is down for a hug, this world would be better. There are great examples of people helping others for no reason. The pay-it-forward lines at drive-thrus, (I know some people think you should just tip the people working the drive-thru but why not do both?), the list of 50 ways to be kind, or just giving someone a smile down the street. Not only will it make someone else's day, but it actually helps you too

I know this is brief but I just wanted to write to everyone, please be kind! And in the words of Mick Foley, "Have A Nice Day!"

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