
Monday, July 15, 2024


"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you." - Frederick Nietzsche

Politics in 2024 is a very tumultuous subject and each side uses violent rhetoric to dehumanize the other party. Civility has been lost and there seems to be no end to the madness. Neighbors are mad at neighbors and the cesspool that is Facebook and Twitter/X constantly has name-calling, hate-filled rhetoric, and insults flying continually. We have all gazed into the abyss and become the monsters we have long warned against. 

This is a difficult time in American politics. We've seen this division before in America with the 1860 and 1876 elections coming to mind. But there is hope for all if we do a few things. 

1) Realize that for the most part, each side is scared and lashing out in fear. Democrats fear that a second Trump administration would roll back civil rights and many government programs with mass deportations of people to home countries they don't remember. Republicans fear that their dollars aren't going as far as they used to and stress over paying bills, buying medicines, and buying groceries. The echo chambers of "their side's" news channels constantly spew nothing but fear and the Us vs. Them mentality that leads to dangerous tribalism. Everyone is afraid and no one is helping to sage those fears. We should have compassion for each other and help work on facing our fears and making the world a better place. If we cannot see each other as human beings struggling in an ever-changing world we will not make it. 

2) Get the hell off of social media. Too often we become obsessed with trolling the other side so we can "own" them with a point we make. We say things that we would never say to someone in person but because we're keyboard warriors we feel invincible. The lack of human interaction with people whom we disagree with makes it easier to see the other side as an enemy and subhuman. The public square of social media allows us to be dicks to each other. Ask yourself, when was the last time being a dick to someone else got them to like me or change their mind? I can answer that easily, never. The rule of thumb to use for social media is don't post something you wouldn't say to someone's face. Trolling is not useful to helpful discourse.

3) Seek out people you disagree with in person. Get out of your comfort zone and try to understand why they feel the way they feel. If your friends all have the same views you do, it is very easy to think that most people feel the way you feel. The old cliche that we have more in common than we realize is very true. We all are hurting from something. We are all seeking to be loved. We all want to be heard. And while it may not radically change the world right now, you could be planting the seeds for bigger change down the road. Many people like to talk about traveling back in time and the smallest change could alter history radically. But many people fail to realize that you can make that small change now to radically affect the future. We may never meet the President or run for Congress, but we can make our neighbor's life better or help someone who goes on to do great things by merely taking time now. Patton Oswalt is a fairly left-leaning comedian who engaged with a man on Twitter who was trolling him. It ended up being a huge show of compassion by Patton and his followers for the man who started off as a troll. See where you can help and do.

4) Help where you can. We may not all have extra income we can donate to nonprofits but there is an even more valuable asset we have that is priceless. Time. Volunteer with a cause you find near and dear to your heart. Find a cause you are passionate about and volunteer for it. You may be sorting cans at a food shelter but you're helping them. You may scoop poop at a cat shelter but you're helping keep the cats' environment clean. Do a prison ministry where you counsel people in jail looking to change their lives. Find your passion and pursue it. You will sacrifice time but it will be for a better cause.

5) Get involved with politics on a local level. Ultimately, we have little impact on the federal level of government outside of voting in Presidential and Congressional elections. But we do have the ability to impact our state, county, and city elections. You can actively campaign for a candidate that shares your views. You can get out and help register to vote. You can attend school board meetings. You can attend city council meetings. It is important for you to know what is going on in your community. And guess what? While you're at these meetings you will meet people of different political beliefs. You will meet people of different backgrounds. Don't see them as enemies but as potential friends. Try to understand where they are coming from and speak calmly and respectfully with them.

I hope this helps you. I know it sounds like I'm preaching and I am. I have friends of all political leanings. I have bleeding-heart liberal socialists to hardcore Trumpers. But they all respect me and I respect them. They have helped me to rethink issues. They have helped me to strengthen my arguments. They have helped me to look at why I believe what I believe. I highly suggest that you do the same. And do it in person. Get out and experience the world and experience other people. The world is more than Facebook, Twitter/X, Threads, Rumble, and all other forms of social media. Otherwise, you become the monster you claim the other side is and fall into the abyss. 

Monday, March 18, 2024

Tough Cookies. Just Do It.


My buddy Gabe and I have a bet going on that some of you may have seen online. If I don't lose 1% of my body weight per the weight on Monday, I have to wear the Auburn hat for the week until I weigh in the following Monday. If I do make weight, Gabe has to wear the team he despises most and his bitter rival the Georgia Bulldogs hat. As of today, the 18th of March, Gabe has worn his hat 2 times while I have worn the Auburn hat 10 times including a stretch of 6 consecutive weeks. That is unacceptable.

I had a health scare back in July due to being overweight and intense pain in my back. The back pain is a result of bulging discs in my L4 and L5 with a few extra vertebrae pushing on my S1. The back pain is being addressed through physical therapy and medication. However, when the cardiologist came in he told me that I needed to drop down to 240 or else the quality of my health would decline. On July 11th, 2023, the day I came home from the hospital I weighed 332.8. As of this morning, I weighed 314.4. I have lost 18.4 pounds in 9 months. At this rate, I will hit my goal weight of 240 in 35 months or February of 2027. That is unacceptable. 

I have hemmed and hawed and made excuses for not having sped up the weight loss since then. I was too tired for the gym. I'll start on Monday so I can just forget about this week. I don't have time. I hurt too much. I have already done so much today that I really should rest. I'll wake up early tomorrow. I needed to sleep in late. I have too much to do today to work in any gym time. One cheeseburger won't kill me. I don't want to cook so I should go ahead and get takeout. All of those excuses are just Bravo Sierra. That is unacceptable.

I have to take real action to get myself in shape. That means no more excuses. You don't want to wake up early to go to the gym? Tough cookies. Get up and Just Do It. You don't want to meal prep for the week so you can avoid doing it? Tough cookies. Get up and Just Do It. You're sore from working out yesterday because it's the first time you have worked out in a month? Tough Cookies. Get up and Just Do It. You have too much to do and not enough time to do it? Tough cookies. Get up and Just Do It. 

I have made excuses for my poor behavior. This is MY life we are talking about. If I don't get serious, the Sears family history of men not making it out of their 50s will come to claim me as the latest victim. This is truly life and death we are talking about here. And I've been treating it as a game that it doesn't matter if I win or lose. I have a loving wife that cares for me and loves me. I have two parents that will need me as they get older. I have two in-laws that will need me as they get older. I have three incredibly awesome nieces to watch grow up. I have my sister to see get her doctorate. I have friends and family that I want to do things with for the next 50 years. 

I see the tub of goo I've become and one would hardly believe I was once a college athlete. (Not a prolific one but a walk-on for Alabama for 3 years.) In the words of Owen Hart, "Enough is enough and it's time for a change!"Luckily, I have a good accountabilibuddy in Gabe. He's not afraid to bust my balls about the weak sauce I've been making. I also have inspiration from another source. One of my all-time favorite wrestlers is getting back in shape for his 60th birthday to do one final death match. Mrs. Foley's Baby Boy, Mick. And he's chronicling it on his YouTube Channel. Now I do know that inspiration can only get you so far until you put in the work. But seeing Mick in person at World of Wheels and seeing his video behind his reasoning made me feel that way. Feelings will only get me so far so here is the course of action I am laying out before me.

1) I'm going to be honest with my calories. I have been using the Lose It App for over two years now and just upgraded to the lifetime membership. I have not honestly been tracking calories and "forgetting" to include my late-night snacks.

2) Closing the kitchen at night for myself unless it is for ginger ale or my casein shake and two halos.

3) Hitting the gym a minimum of three times a week. That really shouldn't be that hard to do. I just need to be smart and not overdo it at the gym taking rest days when needed.

4) Not using rest days as an excuse to not go to the gym. Too many times I would say to myself, "I'm still sore. I should rest just one more day," and then not go for a week.

5) Cooking for myself more. It's easier for me to eat healthier if I make my own meals. So, eat in more!

6) Getting to bed at a reasonable hour and not mindlessly scrolling social media. Bed is for bed.

These are the changes I'm making now. If you read this, feel free to message me privately or call me out publicly on one of my social media platforms. My Facebook wall lets anyone post on it. (I really don't accept friend requests unless I actually know you. My friend purgatory is quite large) Hit me up on Twitter. Or comment on my posts on Instagram. I am holding myself accountable but I will also take others calling me out. If you want to join this weight-loss journey, we can do it together. I encourage others to get healthy as well. Arnold Schwarzenegger has launched a fitness community that is trying to be the positive corner of the internet. I like his mission. I'm going to try and launch a positive corner of the internet for weight loss and I'd love to have you along for my journey. I'm going to hit my goal of 240. If I stay on the current projection of my plan, I should hit the 240 around January of next year losing it at a safe pace and not on a dramatic crash diet. 

My life is going to change and therefore I must change. No more excuses. Tough cookies. Just Do It.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Be Kind


Life is a difficult thing sometimes. You lose that job you really wanted. Your spouse isn't meeting your needs. Your parent is facing a terminal disease. You are at your wit's end. And at that moment you need kindness. We are all dealing with different challenges in our lives and sometimes it's more than one. You just need someone to listen to you or offer encouraging words. You need kindness. 

One of the easiest things for you to do for others is to be kind. It costs nothing. It takes minimal effort. If you can't be kind, just be supportive and listen. Sometimes a kind word can do so much for a person having a bad day. You always have the opportunity to make someone's day better. Don't add to someone's stress. Don't be an ass for the sake of being an ass. It's easy in this day and age to be a cynic and be discouraged. But if we all took a moment to help others by being kind, listening, or just giving a hug if a person is down for a hug, this world would be better. There are great examples of people helping others for no reason. The pay-it-forward lines at drive-thrus, (I know some people think you should just tip the people working the drive-thru but why not do both?), the list of 50 ways to be kind, or just giving someone a smile down the street. Not only will it make someone else's day, but it actually helps you too

I know this is brief but I just wanted to write to everyone, please be kind! And in the words of Mick Foley, "Have A Nice Day!"